PUIAS Penguin

Letter B

boost-thread - Runtime component of boost thread library

Website: http://sodium.resophonic.com/boost-cmake/1.41.0.cmake0/
License: Boost
Runtime component Boost.Thread library, which provides classes and
functions for managing multiple threads of execution, and for
synchronizing data between the threads or providing separate copies of
data specific to individual threads.


boost-thread-1.41.0-27.el6.i686 [43 KiB] Changelog by Petr Machata (2015-02-04):
- Fix the way MPI_VERSION is compared with (>=2 rather than ==2) so
  that an arg-less boost::mpi::environment ctor is exposed for MPI
  libraries with MPI_VERSION of 3.
- Fix boost::interprocess::move (boost-1.41.0-interprocess-move.patch)
- Fix copy construction of boost::weak_ptr
- Undo the change of non-Requires: package references to not use
  %{?_isa} again.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6